When you click on “Case Summary Disposition” in blue, It reveals the Description: Affirmed in full. When? Date 11/09/17 Disposition type: Final The order is affirmed. Padron is awarded his costs on appeal.
We were keeping track of this case, and got this notification.
California Court of Appeal Case Notification for: D070723
the following transaction has occurred in:
Padron v. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
Case: D070723 4th div1 District
Remittitur issued.
Final Steps in the Appellate Process: Issuance of the
Opinion, the Remittitur and Transitioning Back to the Trial Court (rev.
2/22/2016) Introduction The remittitur is the final step in the appellate
process. If neither rehearing nor review is granted, the Court of Appeal will issue its remittitur about 61 calendar days
after the opinion has been filed. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.272.)
The issuance of the remittitur signals the end of the appellate court’s jurisdiction. The matter is now properly back before the trial court, which must carry out the higher court’s decision.
Final Steps in the Appellate Process: Issuance of the Opinion, the Remittitur and Transitioning Back to the Trial Court (rev. 2/22/2016) Introduction The remittitur is the final step in the appellate process. If neither rehearing nor review is granted, the Court of Appeal will issue its remittitur about 61 calendar days after the opinion has been filed. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.272.) The issuance of the remittitur signals the end of the appellate court’s jurisdiction. The matter is now properly back before the trial court, which must carry out the higher court’s decision.
What does all of that mean? I do not know....